Tuesday, May 31, 2011


These clever writers did some awesome writing this week:

Alex wrote this fantastic character description about the Fossifoo, a character from one of Room 4's favourite books. 

This is Eva's character description about the Fossifoo. She did almost all of this amazing writing on her own! 

Jia was our Handwriter of the day. You can see why when you look at this super neat printing. All of her letters are the right size too!

Keep up the awesome work!

Monday, May 30, 2011


Room 4 has a new dinosaur friend named Spike. Everyone will have a chance to take Spike home for a visit and make a page in our book.

Cross Country Photos

We had our Cross Country a few weeks ago, here are some photos of Room 4 running.

Certificates #6

Congratulations to these very deserving Room 4 Super Stars!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Computer Demolition!

Last term one of our computers broke so we checked with Mr Giles and Mr Sumich if it would be ok if we took a look inside. We used screwdrivers and scissors to successfully pull apart the computer and have a good look around. We saw all sorts of bits and pieces. From screws to copper wire, we explored and dismantled.
It was a lot of fun. Check out our before and after photos: